Elon Musk is possibly the busiest person on the earth right now.
The billionaire founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX spend up to 100 hours a week on both companies , along with other 5 almost impossible projects – whilst plotting to transport humans to mars and chowing down lunch meals within 5 minutes, before getting back to his work.
Elon musk is also a family man who spends up to four days each week with his eight children. He also finds time for regular exercise, two times a week, as well as his personal hobbies like reading and gaming.
How does he manage his time so effectively on such a busy, hectic schedule? Many people point to Elon Musks’ ‘superhuman’ ability to focus without distractions, or his freakish level of genius. But, there’s a better explanation for his effective time management.
It’s called the time blocking technique, a time management method used by highly successful CEOs, entrepreneurs, and productivity experts, including Bill Gates and Cal Newport.
Manage Time Like Pro with Time Blocking
From the second Elon Musk’s head lifts off his bed pillow at 7 a.m., his day has already been pre-planned in advance. There’s no room for random interruptions and there are no blocks of time left unscheduled.
Using the time blocking method, Musk intentionally plans his day out in five-minute increments or ‘time blocks.’ Each time block is assigned with a specific task or activity including replies to overdue emails, meals, and work meetings.
Time management expert, Kevin Kruse, also suggests through research within his book, 15 secrets successful people know about Time Management that top performers organize their day around time blocks and focus on their most important tasks for long uninterrupted hours.
Time blocking forces you to fill up free time with pre-commitments and a plan of action. In doing so, you would also avoid the effects of Parkinson’s law which state that work tends to expand to fill the time allotted for it.
It forces you to fill up free time with pre-commitments and a plan of action. By doing so, you avoid wasting precious time on a task that could be finished quicker.
Another benefit of time blocking is that it reduces the number of choices you’d have to make at any given moment—boosting your willpower for peak productivity.
Now that we’ve covered the benefits of the timeboxing method, here are three simple steps to apply in your life today.
How to Use the Time Blocking Method
There are 3 simple and easy steps to apply the time blocking method
Step 1: Divide a piece of ruled paper into two columns. On the left column allocate every two lines to each hour or 5-minute block of the day (whichever you prefer).
Step 2: Estimate the amount of time each task is going to take to complete, then write these tasks on the left column with their respective time blocks. Optional: add commentary notes in the corresponding right column.
Step 3: Add buffer times or extra room around each time block to allow for adjustments or unexpected activities.
Here are four quick tips to make the most out of the time-blocking method:
- Spend at least 10 minutes filling your time blocks. Ideally, this should be done the day before your plans are due.
2. Accurately estimate how long it takes to complete a given task. When we’re overly optimistic about how long a given task will take to complete, we’ll follow through on what we set out to do. This bias (also known as the ‘planning fallacy’) can be avoided if you keep a timed record of your tasks.
3. Break down big tasks into small chunks. If you have big tasks that require a long period to finish, break these down into small sub-tasks and slot them into your daily time blocks.
4. Plan for unexpected interruptions. Use the right column of the piece of paper, to revise your original time blocks, should disruptions pop up during the day. Time blocking for ‘reactive’ work in this way will help you to avoid overwhelm, reduce stress and stay focused throughout the day.
Block Your Time or Lose It Forever
We all have the same 24 hours on any given day. The difference between those who get a lot done, like Elon Musk, versus those who don’t isn’t intellect or genetics—it’s a combination of a mindset that values time and an effective time management method like time blocking.
Time blocking is a simple, flexible, and effective way to help you to manage your time better and stay productive on a daily basis.
Most importantly, time blocking helps us to take control of our time—which once lost, we can never get back.
Read Elon Musk’s book for more to learn from the richest man on earth.
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