As Mother’s Day arrives, I find myself reflecting on the profound impact my mother’s unconditional love has had on shaping my life and the person I have become. Her unwavering support, guidance, and selflessness have been the constants that have grounded me, even in the most turbulent of times.
From the moment I took my first breath, my mother’s love enveloped me like a warm embrace, providing a sense of security and belonging that has become the foundation upon which I have built my world. Her patient teachings and gentle wisdom have guided me through every phase of my life, offering a lighthouse in the midst of life’s storms.
मां की ममता से बड़ी कोई दुनिया नहीं, उसकी छाँव में ही तो सबकी ज़िंदगी महिन।
My mother’s love has been a constant source of strength, empowering me to chase my dreams and conquer my fears. Her unwavering belief in my abilities has given me the courage to take risks and embrace challenges head-on, knowing that her support would never falter.
माँ की दुआओं का असर कभी नहीं घटता, जिस दिन वो दुआ मांगती हैं, उस दिन बच्चा बढ़ता है।
Through her actions, my mother has taught me the true meaning of selflessness and sacrifice. She has put our needs before her own, time and time again, without ever seeking recognition or praise. Her love has been unconditional, transcending boundaries and circumstances, reminding me that true love knows no limits.
माँ की मुस्कुराहट में ही तो सारी खुशियाँ छुपी हैं, उसकी आँखों में ही तो सारी दुनियाँ समाई हैं।
As I navigate the complexities of life, my mother’s love remains a constant guiding light, illuminating my path and reminding me of the values that truly matter. Her strength, resilience, and compassion have taught me invaluable lessons, shaping my character and defining the person I strive to be.
On this Mother’s Day, I celebrate the extraordinary woman who has given me life, nurtured me, and loved me unconditionally. Her love has shaped my world, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
माँ की महक से ही तो दुनिया महकती है, उसकी छाँव में ही तो ज़िंदगी सुहानी लगती है।
Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms in this world! No words, photos, or songs can ever describe Mom’s love for their child but here I tried my best with words to just reflect their shadow of love. and want to dedicate a small song for all Moms.
एक माँ की ममता, एक माँ का प्यार,
हर दर्द को छुपाने का करती जादू यार।
जीवन की हर चोट में, हर ग़म के साथ,
उसका हाथ साथ था, जैसे हो सदा रास्ता।
उसकी गोदी में जन्मा, उसकी बाहों में था आनंद,
माँ का प्यार निरंतर, बनता था एक अद्भुत संगीत गाने।
उसकी मुस्कान से, हर दर्द को भूला जाता,
माँ की ममता में, हर रोग को मिटा जाता।
माँ की देखभाल में, हमेशा मिलता है सुकून,
उसका प्यार हमेशा, है जीवन का मधुर सुर।
जो माँ की ममता में, छुपा है अनमोल वरदान,
उसके बिना हम, कुछ भी नहीं, हमेशा हैं हम विरान।
माँ, तू है हमारी धरती, तू है हमारा आसमान,
तेरे साथ ही हर ग़म, हो जाता है प्यार का उपहार।
Dipesh Joshi