All successful people have different mindsets from the rest of people, making them unique. Some of them are especially talented or gifted, and some of them are hard workers, some of them are just lucky enough to be successful. But all things are not guaranteed or just not in our hands every time to choose any one of these to lead to success. I am sharing the secret that gives guarantee success. No matter in what field you are right now or in which field you are thinking to go or if you are a student, this one secret will give you success for sure. Elon Musk, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Naval Ravikant, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Ratan Tata, and many more…have used this secret for their success in their perspective field. Here you noticed that no one has the same field of passion but they all use this secret to be the best in their field. You can also use this secret to be the best in whatever you do.

In recent years, the first principle theory has emerged as a powerful scientific approach to understanding and predicting the behavior of complex systems. It has been used in a variety of fields, including physics, chemistry, materials science, and engineering, to model and design new materials and devices with specific properties. In this blog, we will explore the basics of the first principle theory, its applications, and its potential future impact. It is useful in every aspect and area of life.
what is the first principle thinking?
The first principle theory is a scientific approach that seeks to derive the properties and behavior of a system from the underlying laws of nature, such as quantum mechanics or thermodynamics, without making assumptions or approximations based on prior observations. In other words, it is a bottom-up approach that starts with the fundamental principles and equations governing the system’s behavior and uses computational methods to solve them and obtain accurate predictions.
For example when someone asked how does induction motor start? then don’t answer like Raju in 3 Idiots, broom broom…. but think like how induction motor made? what is the thing that it drives? what is the base of the motor? this kind of thinking leads to the answer that an induction motor starts with a three-phase supply.
Another example is everyone wants money. Many of us don’t know why we need it. Just because to look rich and to show off to society that I have money! It’s not a bad desire of having money but you need a strong purpose behind having money. Now coming back to our blog if you need money you have to know that how money works. How do all billionaires or millionaires make money? These fundamental questions lead you to the basic of money and then you will learn how money works and make. I will write a blog on this next time.
If you have a bike, a boat, and a car, you could take those three completely different things and break them down. Find each part that makes each thing perform its duties, and in the process, you might find that you can build something completely new with the parts you pulled from all three things.
So the definition of first principle thinking is First-principles thinking is one of the best ways to reverse-engineer complicated problems and unleash creative possibility. Sometimes called “reasoning from first principles,” the idea is to break down complicated problems into basic elements and then reassemble them from the ground up. It’s one of the best ways to learn to think for yourself, unlock your creative potential, and move from linear to non-linear results.
“To understand is to know what to do.”
Applications of First Principle Theory
The first principle theory has a wide range of applications in different fields. For example, in physics, it is used to study the behavior of particles, atoms, and molecules, and to predict the properties of new materials. In chemistry, it is used to understand chemical reactions and the properties of complex molecules. In materials science, it is used to design and optimize new materials with specific properties, such as strength, conductivity, and optical properties. In engineering, it is used to design and optimize devices and systems, such as electronic devices and energy storage systems.
Examples of first principle theory
Elon Musk, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, Albert Einstein, Naval Ravi Kant, etc… Are examples of the first principle theory. They use this theory as a daily life habit and Unlock their full potential in their perceptive field.
You need this type of mindset to achieve big things in the world.

Advantages of First Principle Theory
The first principle theory has several advantages over other scientific approaches. For example, it does not rely on empirical observations or experimental data, which can be limited or inaccurate. Instead, it uses fundamental principles and equations, which are universal and accurate. Additionally, it provides a deeper understanding of the behavior of a system, which can help in designing and optimizing new materials and devices with specific properties. Finally, it can save time and resources by avoiding trial-and-error experiments.
Challenges of First Principle Theory
Despite its advantages, the first principle theory also has some challenges. For example, it can be computationally intensive and require significant computational resources. Additionally, it can be difficult to accurately model the behavior of complex systems, such as biological molecules and systems. Finally, it can be challenging to validate the predictions of the first principle theory, as experimental data may not exist or be difficult to obtain.
Just like it took us 2.5 million years to understand that quarks exist in protons. So basically we all are just quarks moving in this universe. In simple words, quarks are nothing but energy. As our ancient history said that energy is everywhere and we all are made up of energy. But to get truth we have to go to the root. Roots strong make trees strong.
Future Impact of First Principle Theory
The first principle theory has already had a significant impact on science and technology, and its potential impact is only expected to increase in the future. For example, it has been used to design new materials with unprecedented properties, such as superconductors and graphene. Additionally, it has been used to design and optimize electronic devices, such as transistors and solar cells. In the future, the first principle theory is expected to play a critical role in solving some of the world’s most pressing challenges, such as climate change and energy storage.
The first principle theory is a powerful scientific approach that seeks to understand and predict the behavior of complex systems based on fundamental physical laws and principles. It has a wide range of applications in different fields and provides several advantages over other scientific approaches. While it has some challenges, its potential impact on science and technology is enormous. As computational methods continue to improve, the first principle theory is expected to become even more powerful and transformative in the years to come.
The thoughts of others imprison us if we’re not thinking for ourselves.
Reasoning from first principles allows us to step outside of history and conventional wisdom and see what is possible. When you really understand the principles at work, you can decide if the existing methods make sense. Often they don’t.
Reasoning by first principles is useful when you are (1) doing something for the first time, (2) dealing with complexity, and (3) trying to understand a situation that you’re having problems with. In all of these areas, your thinking gets better when you stop making assumptions and you stop letting others frame the problem for you.
Analogies can’t replace understanding. While it’s easier on your brain to reason by analogy, you’re more likely to come up with better answers when you reason by first principles. This is what makes it one of the best sources of creative thinking. Thinking in first principles allows you to adapt to a changing environment, deal with reality, and seize opportunities that others can’t see.
“I think most people can learn a lot more than they think they can,”
Elon Musk
Read Thinking Fast And Slow for more insights about having strong thinking to make strong decisions