Kumari kandam is a mythical lost continent of ancient Tamil civilization.

yes, it’s true. But most of them argue with me that it is just a mythology.
Kumari Kandam is one of the most beautiful islands in Tamil Nadu, which is known as “The Land of Waves” or “The Land of Wind”. Kumari Kandam is a land of many beaches, which attracts tourists to visit this place. The beaches of Kumari Kandam are very beautiful and these beaches are untouched by humans. Kumari Kandam is a heaven for nature lovers. The tourists love to visit this place.
There are three Tamil Sangam that happened during Pandian’s reign(Irayanrar Agaporul).
1st sangam -South Madurai.
2nd sagam- Kapadapuram.
3rd sangam- current Madurai.
What about the other two places? Are there any places with the names nowadays? Nope. Then where it is? Obviously, those places are submerged under water.
Tholkaapiyam, Purananuru, and Kalithogai had Referenced the submerged land.
Silapathigram mentioned the size of the land submerged.
Pahruli river in the North and Kumari river in the South covered 700 kavatam (unknown measurement) divided into 49 territories.
Seven categories: seven coconut lands, seven mango lands, seven dwarf palm land, seven hilly lands, seven coastal lands, seven back sandy lands, and seven front sandy lands. ( Imagine how big the land mass)
If you are asking it is referred to in any Sanskrit literature. Yes, it is mentioned in Puranas.
It is referred to in Matsya Purana where king Manu came from South India. Manu doing Tapas in Mount Malaya in South India.
Matsya Purana
He escaped from the flood(also called the land mass submerged under water). He is not simply escaping with his people and animals just because a single town or city is destroyed in a flood.
According to Wikipedia, Manu means archetypal man or first man. So the first man originated from Kumari Kandam or Cradle of Civilization is may be true.
There is another place also destroyed and submerged under water called Puhar.
Manimekhalai describes Kaveripoompatinam’s ancient Chola port as destroyed by flood.
Karakol means land mass is submerged under water(how did they use the word if that never happened before??)

It is said that once there was a land territory or continent in the Indian Ocean where people lived, ruled, practiced agriculture, carried trade, etc.
The land territory is known as Lemuria or Kumarikkottam or Kumari Kandam.
The south side of the earth, now the Indian Ocean was once a vast landmass which is called “Lemuria” by scholars.
It is considered that human life originated in Lemuria. Lemu means “life” or “parts of the body”.
The English Scholar William Scott Elliot confirms in his Book, “The Lost Lemuria”, that there was a land territory in the present Indian Ocean and people were living there. He even included a map of Lemuria in his book.
The multilingual poet K.Appathurai has published a book in Tamil named “ Kumari Kandam Allathu Kadal Konda Thennaadu” regarding his rare research about Lemuria.
Ernst Haeckel claimed that Lemuria was the home of the first humans and not only that, Lemuria was also the cradle of human civilization.
We can see that the opinions stated by the English Scholars match with the Tamil Grammatical and Literary Books.
In some Tamil literary works, we can read that in the south of Kanyakumari, there were 49 Kingdoms named Ezhu Thengu Nadu, Ezhu Panai Nadu, etc. and they were destroyed due to Tsunami.
Also, the Mountain in that land was known as “Kumari Malai” and from which flowed the rivers called “Kumari Aaru” and “Pahruli Aaru”. We can also come to know about cities like “Thenmadurai” and “Kabadapuram”.
Devaney Pavanar, a prominent Tamil author who had written 35 books, claims that the Tamil language originated in Lemuria or Kumari Kandam.
Also, Lemuria was the cradle of civilization and the place of origin of languages.
Many Tamil writers in the 1920s popularized the concept of Lemuria linking it with Kumari Kandam.
But according to modern science, Lemuria is a Pseudo-scientific concept. Some accept Lemuria and others say it is just mere fiction.
Even I don’t know if it is a myth or not! but I love the story and if it was true then our history is truly big and rich than now.

Thank you so much ❤️😇