Mostly movie character make actor famous but here we know one man literally make charactor famous. One and only my favourite actor Robert downey juniour who made Iron man live in our heart.
Iron Man is the best Avenger of all time because he truly cares about the Earth and the other Ave… Iron Man is one of the most popular superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He has the looks, the heart, the talent, and the skills. While he may not be perfect, many fans love him dearly.
Here are some things that I learned from the Iron man and I hope you would like it too.
There is no doubt that Robert Downey Jr was the best for the role. He masterfully played the character and made the viewers fall in love with his playful antiques and accept his stubbornness and flaws. According to comicbook, RDJ’s casting “is one of the best in the history of the subgenre.”
He transforms his self so fast and so good that no one can beat him twice. There are so many times when he defetaed once from his opponent but he learned and transfrom his self so much better that no one can beat him up again.
The best teacher in the world is failure. When you mess up, don’t think of it as wasted time or effort — think of it as sanding down the rough surfaces of your idea. It’s messy and frustrating, but nothing gets smoothed out on its own. Each mistake is another step towards the finish you’re hoping to reach.
For example in Iron Man 2, Tony’s suits are repeatedly devastated when wrapped up by Whiplash’s electric whips. In The Avengers two years later, Tony gets hit by one of Thor’s lightning bolts and his suit simply absorbs the blast and immediately converts it into weaponized energy.
He continuosly learn and evolve him everytime. From the first Iron man suit of big Iron scrap to last nano technology suit, he made it so fast and better and better at each time. I remembered at first try of his suit he flew higher and higher to reach the moon, and at one point his suit is locked because of cold tempreature and he fell off. But he suddenely change the suit and in an Avenegers movie he went to space with nuclear nuke to save the earth.
Though it doesn’t end in total victory, Tony’s only able to stand toe-to-toe with the impossibly powerful Thanos in Infinity War because of his new nanotech-based armor. And that armor only exists due to Tony’s constant innovation and iteration over the prior 6 years, during which he was constantly worried about an eventual showdown with a foe he couldn’t match.
Homework is rarely fun, but it is crucial in the pursuit of everything from school to your career to battling a super-smart army of robots you may or may not have accidentally created in your workshop. As a man of science, Tony knows that attempting to solve an equation is particularly difficult if you haven’t read up on all the variables.
For example, as the Avengers try to figure out Loki’s plan and track down the mega powerful Tesseract, Tony already knows what their enemy is likely up to and specifically, where they’ll be going next. He figured this out by simply combing over the academic work of a kidnapped scientist. “Am I the only one who did the reading?”
Captain America once admonished Tony for “always [having] a way out” but it’s actually very pragmatic to think outside the box and prepare for the possibility that conditions will change and a winning scenario may need to be engineered. And Tony embodies this mantra countless times, like when he calls in the iron legion to help in battle, or builds a quick enter/exit function to his suits, and when he operates his suit remotely while saving dozens of lives abroad at air force one. There’s nothing wrong with having a Plan B…and C, D, and E.
The Hulk became a reliable ally for Tony and the rest of the Avengers, but Tony still constructed his special “Hulkbuster” armor and put it into orbit (complete with spare parts), available to deploy in the unlikely event that Hulk raged out of control. Naturally, this came to pass in Age of Ultron and Tony’s backup plan prevented a bad day from getting worse.
After glimpsing deep space and the Gods and aliens that went with it, Tony’s fixation on protecting Earth from a looming galactic threat which he deems “imminent” leads to the unfortunate creation of Ultron. But this near-paranoia also motivates his imagination and tinkering spirit to develop ideas that help save lives, later on.
t’s very easy to get complacent and/or overconfident after crossing finish lines (be they personal or professional) but there will inevitably be something else on the horizon which deserves your attention. This can apply to many aspects of your life; perhaps it’s most familiar when it comes to health and fitness. Anyone who’s trained for a marathon or is working towards a weightlifting goal knows that the process never truly ends — achievements only lead to new and greater goals.
He always prepared for the worst and start doing something about it to prevent from it.
It’s easy to write off Tony Stark as one of those superheroes who wouldn’t be able to contribute any heroics without their special technology and/or magic. But in both the comics and films, that’s never truly been the case with the person inside the Iron Man suit.
After his time as a prisoner in an Afghan cave, being isolated in Tennessee, and being presumed dead in outer space, Tony knows that his destiny is not dictated by his resources or the people around him. The common denominator of his repeated triumphs is him.
It’s not your stuff that gives you power, it’s you. You can lose your apartment, your relationship, or your car, but the reason you had those things in the first place is because of you. Don’t get caught up in changes of circumstances — as long as you’re still around, you have value.
Iron Man 3 is a story about what makes Tony Stark super, separate from his fancy technology. One of the most famous examples of this is when he breaks into a heavily fortified terrorist compound using only improvised devices and weapons he assembled himself using ingredients from a hardware store.
This quote by tony stark always hitss me hard when I heard it. He knows the important of time and he values time more than anything. and that makes him the most powerful superhero of all time. He who knows the importnace of time will win the universe.
Tony Stark values time so much that he build time machine that no god even can make it and travels through time to save the universe and make impossible thing possible.
At the end I just want to say. I love you 3000 Tony Strak
Thank you so much…